I received a wonderful gift from a friend recently - a small book full of delightful short stories, sayings and wise words. I wanted to share one here that I hope will inspire you as it did me.


Some lies you’ve been told:

There’s something wrong with you.

There is only one body size and shape.

You need to be happy all of the time.

Excerpt from Wise Words for Women, by Donna Lancaster, published by Penguin, 2023

Anger is bad and should be held in or denied at all costs.

Romantic and family love are the only forms of love that matter.

We are separate.

Death is the end.

Ageing is the beginning of the end.

You must stay young and beautiful (externally) forever.

The car you drive, the clothes you wear and how much you weigh are important.

Money makes you happy.

Success is related to career and money.

Prayer is only for the religious.

Your ego is who you are and your thoughts are ‘the truth’

The Truth that you hold:

You are absolutely perfect.

Your body is a miracle.

Anger is the sister of passion.

Grief is Love.

You are meant to be wounded, suffer and heal as part of the human condition.

Becoming an elder; getting old and wise, is one of the most important roles you will ever take on.

Happiness is paying attention to the details.

Gratitude will save your life.

Your heart is so BIG you can love the whole world into healing.

There are no mistakes.