While many people seeking therapy have had some experience of counselling beforehand, many have typically had shorter term (6-12 weeks) Cognitive, Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

An integrative approach to therapy is very different to CBT and for some it might be a confusing experience at first.

An integrative approach is more open-ended, which means it can be difficult to determine how long therapy might last. Although we start by agreeing what outcomes you hope to see from therapy, and we might also try to agree time limits, clients often find that as they engage, new and different things come up for them and their focus and goals can change.

In my practice I review the work regularly to make sure that therapy doesn’t just tick along without any real sense of direction or progress, but it is a tricky balance between seeking progress and supporting a client to determine their own pace and find their own way.

It is not unusual for clients to experience the process as frustrating, confusing and difficult at times, and it is my belief that when this is being experienced it is a sign that things are changing for the client, and change, as we all know is tricky, if not frightening and disorientating.

it is really important that clients feel that they can say when things are frustrating or difficult, disappointing or just plain wrong for them. Being able to shape the work together is an important step on the journey to greater clarity, resilience and joy.

Therapy can often be a wonderful journey of self discovery, but it will certainly also be confusing and uncomfortable at times.

If you are not sure that therapy is for you, but you would like to get a better idea of what it is and how it might help you, feel free to email me and I will get in touch for an informal chat.